Kids’ Valley Garden


Arrangement Themes Plant Materials Flower Arrangement Shapes Supporting Flower Arrangements Conditioning Flowers Drying Flowers Get Ready for the Show Transporting Flower Arrangements

Gardening image

Entering your flowers, veggies, or garden into competition is a great learning experience. It will give you a chance to see what other gardeners do differently and how you can improve your own plants next year. Your local newspaper or nursery will inform you about Garden Competitions and Fall Fairs that have Garden, Flower, and Vegetable Competitions. Here is a list of the steps you will need to follow:

  • Request a copy of the Show Schedule, Show Rules and Regulations, and Registration Forms for each competition you wish to enter.
  • Decide which shows to enter based on what will be at its best in your garden at the time of the show.
  • Read all the Show Rules and Regulations thoroughly, and fill in any Registration Forms that need to be sent in.
  • Choose which Classes you would like to enter. Do they have a theme? Make sure your entries meet all the requirements for each Class.
  • Write yourself some Notes about what you'll need to prepare each of your entries. You wouldn't want your prize sunflower to be disqualified because it wasn't in a regulation container, would you?

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