Glossary of TermsannualA plant that germinates, grows, flowers, produces seeds, and dies in one growing season. chlorophyllA green pigment found in plant cells that is essential for photosynthesis and is formed only in the presence of light. cross-pollinationThe process of transferring pollen from one flowering plant to another to create a hybrid. cultivarA plant variety that has been produced through selective breeding and maintained through cultivation. disbuddingThe process of removing excess buds from a plant, leaving the remainder to grow bigger. floretsA lilac bloom is made of groups of small flowers with four or five blossoms on a single stem. Each individual flower is a floret. hardyStrong plants that can generally flourish outdoors all year round without special protection. heavy metalsHigh content of metallic minerals that contaminate soil, water, or air and can affect normal growth in plants and animals. hillA cluster of plants or roots with a pile of earth around it. hybridA cross between two parent plants that are from the same species but don't look exactly like each other. layeringA shoot or branch of a plant that is set into the ground to take root while still attached to the parent plant. microclimateA small area that has different characteristics from the general area around it. mineral oilAny oil made from minerals, such as petroleum. oasisA green or brown foam used to support flower arrangements and hold moisture. peat mossThe slightly decayed remains of sphagnum moss that holds a lot of moisture but has no nutrients. perennialA plant that dies down to the ground during winter and survives to grow again each spring. pesticidesChemical substances used to destroy pests and control plant diseases. photosynthesisThe process of converting light into carbohydrates that plants require to grow. propagateTo multiply plants by dividing roots, layering, or starting from cuttings. rooting hormoneA chemical that encourages quicker root growth in new plants. rhizomeA creeping underground stem, often thick and swollen. seed podsThe hardened protective shell that contains the maturing seeds of a plant. silica gelA highly absorbent 'sand' that is used to dry and preserve flower blossoms and leaves. stakeTo support a plant by driving a wooden post into the ground beside it and tying it to the post. star floretsA floret with a five-pointed 'star' shape. suckersA shoot arising from the underground part of the plant. thinningRemoval of plant materials (shoots, seedlings, flower buds, or fruits) to encourage better size and quality in the remainder. true leavesThe first hardy leaves, usually the second pair, on a new plant. tuberA swollen underground stem, usually with buds, such as a potato. vermiculiteA mineral from the mica family that can be used as a heat insulator or mulch for plants. wickA length of fiber or cloth that feeds liquid from a reservoir to a drier end. zoneA region that shares similar climatic and rainfall conditions, producing similar growing seasons. | ||